The National Health Council (NHC) is a stakeholder-informed, patient-focused organization that forges consensus among diverse organizations and drives patient-centered health policy. We provide access to deep policy resources and expertise on a broad range of complex issues that impact all people with chronic conditions. For more information about the NHC and work, please visit our website.
Boutin outlines a shift in the culture of health care to “personalized health,” at the European Patients Forum Congress in 2019.
Taylor discusses his role with the NHC in 2019 as chairperson of the Board of Directors.
The mission of the National Health Council is to provide a united voice for people with chronic diseases and disabilities and their family caregivers.
Made up of more than 140 national, health-related organizations and businesses, the NHC’s core membership includes the nation’s leading patient advocacy organizations, which control its governance and policy-making process. Other members include health-related associations and nonprofit organizations including the provider, research, and family-caregiver communities as well as businesses representing biopharmaceutical, device, diagnostic, generic, and payer organizations.
Impact: Protected and improved access to affordable, high-value, sustainable health care for the millions of Americans with chronic disease and disabilities. We:
We serve the more than 160 million people in the US with chronic diseases & disabilities & their family caregivers.
Recruited 20 new members to reach a record number of 140 NHC members.
including listening sessions, conferences, roundtables, issue teams, & affinity group meetings.
The NHC occupies a unique position in the health care ecosystem. Through our diverse membership, the NHC speaks with authority on many systemic health care issues, providing a unified voice for patients with chronic conditions and their family caregivers.
The National Health Council (NHC) demands the highest standards of accountability and ethical practice from its patient advocacy group members, also known as voluntary health agencies, to assure the public that these organizations are worthy of support. Each of the NHC’s patient advocacy organization members must meet the NHC Standards of Excellence Certification Program® to retain good membership standing.
On behalf of the patient community, the NHC was quoted in a variety of top-tier news organizations including STAT News, Morning Consult, The Hill, Forbes, Inside Health Policy, Bloomberg, JAMA Dermatology, and The Patient.
The NHC hosts several marquee meetings and conferences each year so that members can learn from and network with each other and top health care policy experts, including:
We are governed by a volunteer board of directors made up of representatives from our various membership categories. Board members set the strategic direction and establish policy to guide the NHC in meeting its mission to provide a united voice for people with chronic diseases and disabilities and their family caregivers.
Each summer, the NHC posts its IRS Form 990 on the About the NHC page of our website.
The NHC is funded through a combination of member dues, sponsorships, and grants. All sponsors are disclosed on our website.
Find the audited financial statement for fiscal year 2019 here.