CMS’s Accountable Care Organizations Pathways to Success
The National Health Council (NHC) appreciates the opportunity to respond to the Proposed Rule entitled, “Medicare Shared Savings Program; Accountable Care Organizations Pathways to Success” (the Proposed Rule). The NHC fully supports HHS’s interest in testing new models of care that enhance alignment of incentives, engage patients in defining high-value care, focus on outcomes that matter to patients, and construct efficient arrangements among stakeholders. The NHC appreciates CMS’s efforts toward beneficiary engagement and patient centeredness. We offer our comments to further amplify the patient voice in policy initiatives that, like the Proposed Rule, might impact health care for individuals with chronic diseases and disabilities.
CMS’s Accountable Care Organizations Pathways to Success
The National Health Council (NHC) appreciates the opportunity to respond to the Proposed Rule entitled, “Medicare Shared Savings Program; Accountable Care Organizations Pathways to Success” (the Proposed Rule). The NHC fully supports HHS’s interest in testing new models of care that enhance alignment of incentives, engage patients in defining high-value care, focus on outcomes that matter to patients, and construct efficient arrangements among stakeholders. The NHC appreciates CMS’s efforts toward beneficiary engagement and patient centeredness. We offer our comments to further amplify the patient voice in policy initiatives that, like the Proposed Rule, might impact health care for individuals with chronic diseases and disabilities.
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