As a service to members, the National Health Council has created a special page on its website for member organizations to post job openings. Here’s how it works.

  • Members may submit job descriptions with either an e-mail or website link back to the member organization, including details on how applicants should apply. 
  • Postings run for three months and then are automatically deleted by NHC staff. Members should notify the NHC if the opening is filled before then and the listing will be deleted.
  • Postings may be renewed for one additional three-month period.

The idea of the job bank is to foster the unique talent pool among NHC member health organizations. The NHC views the job bank as a way to help you connect with talented and experienced people – and vice versa.

The NHC reserves the right to post job openings from nonmember entities, such as government agencies, if it is determined this service will benefit the NHC in meeting its mission and goals.

To submit a job opening, please e-mail the NHC’s Digital Media, Senior Manager, Breshay Moore at with a Word or PDF document or a website link.