NHC Seeks Public Comment on Two Fair-Market-Value Compensation for Patient Engagement Tools


By Silke Schoch, Manager, Research & Programs

As part of the National Health Council (NHC) Fair-Market Value (FMV) project aimed at supporting sustainable agreements between stakeholders and the patient and caregiver community, the NHC has released two documents for public comment: Fair-Market Value Compensation Principles (click here) and Contracting Principles (click here), which will ultimately be a part of the NHC’s FMV Toolkit.  

The Compensation Principles document is intended to provide general guidance on compensating patients for their expertise when they are involved in patient engagement activities, and reimbursing them for out-of-pocket costs associated with patient-engagement work. The FMV Compensation Principles covers topics such as:

  • Type of Patient Engagement Participant
  • General Compensation
  • Administrative/Logistics
  • Time Commitment
  • Travel and Reimbursement Considerations
  • Declining Compensation
  • Other Considerations

The Contracting Principles were developed by Myeloma Patients Europe, WECAN, and Patient Focused Medicines Development and are intended to make contract documents between the patient community and other stakeholders clear and patient-friendly. The NHC is adapting these Principles for use in the United States. The document covers the following topics:

  • Overall Principles
  • Confidentiality
  • Intellectual Property
  • Recordings of Meetings
  • Data Protection and Use of Personal Data
  • Indemnification, Remedies, and Conflict Resolution
  • Financial Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses
  • Adverse Event Reporting
  • Independence and Conflict of Interest

The NHC will also be releasing its FMV Calculator, along with the Principles documents and other patient-friendly materials, in the Spring of 2020. The NHC’s FMV Calculator will provide guidance on fairly compensating patients and patient representatives in patient-engagement activities. The FMV Calculator considers the various activities a patient might be asked to be involved in, travel time, preparation time, and other special considerations.

For more information about the NHC FMV project or to submit comments on the Principles, email NHCPrograms@nhcouncil.org.  Comments should be submitted by 5 p.m. ET, Wednesday, January 15, 2020. To facilitate the process, please:

  • Include “Compensation Principles Comments” or “Contracting Principles Comments” in the subject of your email
  • Include page/line/table numbers for specific comments or use tracked changes

For more information on the NHC FMV Project, click here.