Request for Proposals: Building an Interactive Tool Patient Experience Mapping Toolbox


Founded in 1920, the National Health Council (NHC) brings diverse organizations together to forge consensus and drive patient-centered health policy. The NHC provides a united voice for the more than 160 million people with chronic diseases and disabilities and their family caregivers. Made up of more than 140 national health-related organizations and businesses, the NHC’s core membership includes the nation’s leading patient advocacy organizations, which control its governance and policy-making process. Other members include health-related associations and nonprofit organizations including the provider, research, and family caregiver communities; and businesses representing biopharmaceutical, device, diagnostic, generic, and payer organizations.

Understanding the patient’s experiences living with disease is critical as it enables understanding the context, the natural history of the disease from the patient perspective, and what is important to patients. However, there are no standardized tools or approaches, and there are few opportunities for shared learnings.

The National Health Council (NHC) is focused on ensuring the patient’s experience is collected in standardized ways to inform patient centric efforts in research, product development, and care delivery. We want to leverage the tools available and communicate shared learnings. To that end, we are developing a Patient-Experience Mapping Toolbox. To that end, we have developed an infographic in a PDF version of a patient experience map.

Using this infographic as a base, we are seeking a developer to work with us to create an interactive tool that will be made available on the NHC website,, and that can be used to capture information about a patient’s experience. Both a front-end, interactive interface for patients and back-end ability for data collection from patients are important in this project. The NHC is planning to launch this project in April 2020.

Developers should include in their proposal:

  • The name and primary contact information for the company or consultant;
  • A one-page description of the approach that will be used;
  • Links to examples of relevant projects they have completed; and
  • A timeline, with deliverable schedule, and associated costs.
  • Approach to develop the interactive interface
  • Approach for data collection

The NHC staff welcomes a conversation/webinar with the prospective vendor to demonstrate the inforgraphic and discuss the attributes of the desired deliverable.

Please submit proposals by COB on March 18, 2020.

Contact: Email with any questions or to submit your proposal.

Download the PDF.