Chief Financial Officers Affinity Group Meeting: 2023 NHC Revenue Survey for Patient Organizations Review
- Event Date: Oct. 10, 2024
- Event Time: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. ET
- Event Location:
About the Event
The National Health Council (NHC) Membership and Finance Teams invite the finance and executive leadership from our Patient Organization (PO) members to join us for an overview of the 2023 Revenue Report Findings and a discussion about the revenue picture for our PO members. Linda Beza, NHC’s Senior Vice President of Finance & Administration, will provide a high-level summary of this year’s report and open the floor for a discussion about the findings. She will be joined by invited finance leaders from NHC members who participated in the survey to tell their revenue stories as they have unfolded over the past three years, as well as provide feedback on the value of the NHC Revenue Report.
Who Should Attend
Chief Financial Leads and Executive Leadership of Patient Organizations.
For more information, please contact Linda Beza or NHC’s Director, Membership Operations, Bob Scott.