
Dr. Darius Lakdawalla, Quintiles Professor of Pharmaceutical Development and Regulatory Innovation, University of Southern California

Darius Lakdawalla is a widely published, award-winning researcher and a leading authority on health economics and health policy. He holds the Quintiles Chair in Pharmaceutical Development and Regulatory Innovation at the University of Southern California, where he sits on the faculties of the Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Sol Price School of Public Policy. He is also the Director of Research at USC’s Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics, one of the nation’s premier health policy research centers.

His research has focused primarily on the economics of risks to health, the value and determinants of medical innovation, the economics of health insurance markets, and the industrial organization of healthcare markets.  Dr. Lakdawalla serves as Associate Editor at the Journal of Health Economics and has previously served in this role at the American Journal of Health Economics and the Review of Economics and Statistics.  

His academic work has appeared in leading peer-reviewed journals of economics, health policy, and medicine, including the American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Health Affairs, the Journal of Health Economics, and the New England Journal of Medicine.  In addition, his work has been featured by prominent popular press outlets, such as the Wall Street Journal, National Public Radio, Forbes, and the New York Times. Darius Lakdawalla is also the coauthor of the recent book, Valuing Health: The Generalized and Risk-Adjusted Cost-Effectiveness (GRACE) Model, published by Oxford University Press.

Dr. Lakdawalla has also received the PhRMA Foundation Value Assessment Challenge Award, designed to encourage innovative approaches to defining and measuring value in health care, in 2019 (third place) and 2020 (first place). He is also a past winner the ISPOR Excellence in Research Methodology Award, the annual Milken Institute Award for Distinguished Economic Research Award (for best research in the field of economics), and the Eugene Garfield Economic Impact of Medical and Health Research Award (for best research on medical innovation).

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