An Update on the NHC’s Tools to Support Sponsor-Patient Engagement: Fair-Market Value Calculator and Engagement Templates


By Silke Schoch, Manager, Research and Programs

In an effort to create sustainable, compliant, and patient-friendly agreements between stakeholders and the patient and caregiver community, the National Health Council (NHC) is completing a toolbox of fair-market value (FMV) materials. The Toolbox is expected to go live in early Summer 2020 and will include:

Fair-Market Value Tools

· The NHC’s FMV Calculator provides guidance on how companies can provide fair compensation and reimbursements to patients and patient representatives who are involved in patient-engagement activities. The FMV Calculator considers the various activities a patient might be asked to be involved in, their knowledge about the condition and other expertise they may have, travel time, preparation time, and other special considerations.

· The Compensation Principles provide general guidance regarding compensating patient-community representatives for their time and expertise when participating in patient-engagement activities. It addresses subjects such as logistics of compensation, travel and reimbursement considerations, declining compensation, and the time commitment of the participants.

Contracting Tools

· The Contracting Principles guide contracts between patients/patient advocates and industry. They were originally developed by Myeloma Patients Europe, WECAN, and Patient Focused Medicines Development, and adapted to a US setting by the NHC. The contracting principles address topics including; confidentiality, recording of meetings, data protection, indemnification, conflict resolution, adverse event reporting, and conflicts of interest.

· The Contracting Templates include plain-language legal agreements that can be used by companies when engaging with patients, caregivers, or patient advocates. It is intended to make contracting easier and more transparent.

· The Companion Guide to the Contracting Templates explains topics and terms that are included in the contracting templates, such as what is a scope of work, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, fees and expenses, intellectual property rights, liability, data privacy, and anti-bribery compliance. It also includes a section describing “Things to Know about Contract Negotiation” for patients, patient advocates, and companies.

For more information about the NHC FMV project you can visit the NHC’s FMV website. If you have any questions about the FMV project, please reach out to