Join the NHC on September 19, 2023, for the Fall 2023 Federal-State Policy Roundtable!

By: Bhriana Smith, Senior Coordinator, Communications 

What is the Federal-State Policy Roundtable? 
The National Health Council’s (NHC) 2023 Federal-State Policy Roundtable provides NHC nonprofit members the opportunity to share best practices and information about trends in state health policy and how to best coordinate federal and state policy work. This is the NHC’s second roundtable (the first one was held in the spring). 

Who Should Attend? 
This virtual event is open only to NHC nonprofit members. All organizations attending the roundtable should register a federal and a state policy staff representative to participate in the meeting. If one staff member handles both federal and state policy work, the organization does not need to register two representatives. If you have questions regarding who, from your organization, should attend, please contact the NHC’s Membership Team 

Register for this virtual event today. Registration closes on September 15, 2023, at 5 p.m. ET. If you encounter any issues with the registration process, please contact the NHC’s Director of Meetings and Events, Racquel Codling. 

Sponsors are permitted and encouraged to attend. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for this event, please contact NHC’s Manager of Membership and Development, Mary Crowther. 

For general questions about this event, please contact the NHC’s Vice President of Policy, Jennifer Dexter.