NHC and National Minority Quality Forum Issue Health Equity Call to Action


By Jennifer Dexter, Director, Policy 

On September 8, the National Health Council (NHC) and National Minority Quality Forum (NMQF) held a Roundtable on “Achieving Health Equity: Envisioning a 21st Century, Patient-Centered Health Ecosystem.” The purpose of the Roundtable was to develop a joint understanding of the root causes and impacts of health inequities and commit to working collaboratively to envision and build a new system that does not perpetuate disparities.

We are excited to share the final NHC & NMQF Call to Action, which captures the outcome of that Roundtable and calls on our member patient advocacy organizations to join us in the effort to achieve health equity. We will soon ask CEOs from NHC member voluntary health agencies to sign on to a statement, committing to be part of the movement.  

This Call to Action is a first step that will be followed by significant activity in 2021 including: 

  • Featuring the Call to Action at both the NHC Washington Representatives Retreat in November and the NHC Annual Meeting in December; 
  • Holding a series of Roundtables over the next year focused on those action areas identified in the Call to Action; 
  • Convening a small group to help us plan for the year ahead and a specific planning group for each of the Roundtables; and 
  • Identifying ways for the NHC to promote ongoing communication and information sharing about equity issues and best practices with our full membership. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Jennifer Dexter at jdexter@nhcouncil.org.