Registration Is Now Open for the NHC’s Inaugural International Patient Forum
By: Jennifer Schleman, SVP Communications & Governance
Registration is open for the National Health Council’s (NHC) virtual International Patient Forum on Wednesday, May 31 from 1-3 p.m. ET. At this members-only event, the NHC will explore the international nature of health care advocacy, even for patient groups that operate primarily in the United States.
The NHC International Patient Forum: How the U.S. Patient Community Can Be Informed, Involved, and Influential in International Dialogues and Discussions, offers NHC patient group and nonprofit members the opportunity to share information and strategic thinking on international patient issues.
- Cyndi Zagieboylo, President and CEO, National Multiple Sclerosis Society
- Pat Furlong, Founding President and CEO, Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy
- Julia Jenkins, Executive Director, EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases
- Celina Gorre, CEO, Women Heart
- and more!
This meeting is designed to set the stage for a broader discussion and prioritize international issues important to the patient community and determine next steps.
Who Should Attend
This meeting is for the CEOs and CEO-designated senior staff of NHC patient group and nonprofit members. NHC members from the for-profit sector can attend with the commitment of event sponsorship. Please contact Mary Crowther,, for details.
NHC members interested in attending can register here.
For more information about the International Patient Forum, contact Ashleigh Jones,