The Affordable Care Act Prevails

By Maddie Mason, Senior Associate, Policy 

More than 20 million Americans have gained coverage through the ACA, and now they do not have to worry about losing it.  

In a 7- 2 ruling in the Texas v. California case, the U.S. Supreme Court voted to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This decision ensures continued access to care and increased affordability for those who need it, especially people living with chronic diseases and disabilities.  

Additionally, all Americans can feel secure because benefits such as coverage for emergency visits, prescription drugs, and wellness visits will continue to be available, and those with pre-existing conditions do not have to worry about being denied health insurance coverage or pay a higher premium. Read more about the importance of the ACA on our blog. 

While this decision is a great win for the patient community, we still hope to see significant strides to enhance the American health care system. In order to ensure that the health care system continues to serve all Americans and offers the services and programs that patients depend on, the National Health Council and other patient groups developed the following principles for the necessary next policy steps: 

  1. Health care must be adequate, meaning that health insurance should cover the treatments patients need; 
  2. Health care should be affordable, enabling patients to access the treatments they need to live healthy and productive lives; and 
  3. Health care should be accessible, meaning that coverage should be easy to understand and not pose a barrier to care. 

Protecting the ACA is a vital step in upholding these patient protections. Moving forward, the NHC urges Congress, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and state regulators to: 

  1. Make permanent the subsidies in the American Rescue Plan; 
  2. Remove barriers to access;  
  3. Address the high cost of care; and 
  4. Work to offer insurance coverage for those without it in states that have not expanded Medicaid.  

Please read the NHC’s statement on the Supreme Court’s Decision on the ACA here. 

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