Letters + Comments

Partnership to Protect Coverage Sign-On Letter

The 23 undersigned organizations represent millions of patients and consumers who live with serious, acute, and chronic conditions across the country. Together, our organizations work to ensure that both patient […]

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Main Street Lending Program Plan

The National Health Council (NHC) appreciates the announcement of the Main Street Lending Program plan to provide credit access for nonprofit organizations. Patient groups have been and will be significantly […]

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Ending Surprise Medical Billing

Dear Majority Leader McConnell, Minority Leader Schumer, Speaker Pelosi, and Minority Leader McCarthy: The 30 undersigned organizations, representing millions of patients and consumers across the country who face serious, acute, […]

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Expansion of Paid Family Leave Act

Dear Speaker Pelosi and Leaders McConnell, Schumer, and McCarthy, The 157 undersigned organizations, representing millions of patients and consumers from across America, urge Congress to expand eligibility for the paid […]

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