Clinical Outcome Assessments: Build New or Adapt Old? This webinar featured Stacie Hudgens, MA, Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Lead, Regulatory & Access at Clinical Outcomes Solutions. Developing a new COA […]
What are Clinician-Reported Outcomes (ClinROs)?
COA Series: What are Clinician-Reported Outcomes (ClinROs)? This webinar featured John H. Powers III, MD, FACP, FIDSA [C], Professor of Clinical Medicine, George Washington University School of Medicine. Clinician-reported outcome (ClinRO) […]
The Sentinel System— An Overview of FDA’s Tools for Assessing Medical Product Safety and Gathering Real-World Evidence
The Sentinel System— An Overview of FDA’s Tools for Assessing Medical Product Safety and Gathering Real-World Evidence This webinar provided an overview of Sentinel’s growing capabilities and value in regulatory […]
Core Outcome Sets
Core Outcome Sets This webinar featured Donna Messner, PhD, President & CEO at the Center for Medical Technology Policy. Dr. Messner is President and CEO of the nonprofit Center for […]
Introducing the NHC’s Rubric to Capture the Patient Voice
Please fill out this form to request access to this content. Name(Required) First Last Title(Required)Organization(Required)Email(Required) Describe how you will use this resource(Required)Terms of Service(Required) I agree to the terms of […]
What is the Difference Between Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and Patient-Reported Outcomes?
What is the Difference Between Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and Patient-Reported Outcomes? This webinar featured Laurie Burke, MPH, Founder of the LORA Group, LLC, and discussed the difference between […]
Lessons Learned from a Patient Group’s Experience Developing a PRO
Lessons Learned from a Patient Group’s Experience Developing a PRO This webinar featured Dory Kranz, CEO of the National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) and National Health Council Board member. Ms. […]
Measuring Patient Experiences: Distinguishing Between Patient-Reported Outcomes and Patient Preferences
Measuring Patient Experiences: Distinguishing Between Patient-Reported Outcomes and Patient Preferences This webinar featured Pauline McNulty, PhD, and Bennett Levitan, MD, PhD, of Johnson & Johnson. In this webinar listeners learned […]
What Do We Mean by Validation of a Measure?
What Do We Mean by Validation of a Measure? This webinar featured Eleanor Perfetto, PhD, MS, Executive Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, at the National Health Council. This webinar described the […]
NPC Webinar: Let’s Get Real: How Will the FDA Framework for Real-World Evidence Impact You?
NPC Webinar: Let’s Get Real: How Will the FDA Framework for Real-World Evidence Impact You? How is real-world evidence (RWE) really being used, and how will the Food and Drug […]