Please read the below policies, terms, and conditions carefully as they are the National Health Council’s (NHC) registration policies for event attendees. By registering for the Health Leadership Conference (“Conference”), you agree to comply with the event policies and Cvent’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. The NHC reserves the right to cancel or suspend your access to the event at any time if it believes that you have violated these Policies, Terms, and Conditions.

Registration.To attend the event or access certain features of the event, you will be asked to provide your complete contact information and respond to registration questions as it relates to the event. When you register for the event, you agree to provide accurate and complete information.

Eligibility. This conference is exclusively for CEOs, executive directors, board members, and senior staff from NHC member Patient Organizations and Partners of Patient Organizations. We encourage at least one board member to accompany each CEO/Executive Director. Once a CEO/Executive Director and at least one board member have registered, additional senior staff from their organization are welcome to register as well. For questions about attendance, please contact membership@nhcouncil.org.

All registration categories are subject to NHC approval. The registration category must be valid at the time of registration and the event. Learn more about the National Health Council membership and engagement opportunities. Not an NHC Member? Join today and gain access to a wide range of member services including meetings and conferences, action teams, affinity groups, webinars, and engaging projects.

Fees. There is no charge for this event. Please contact NHCmeetings@nhcouncil.org if you have any registration questions.

Cancellations must be requested via email to NHCmeetings@nhcouncil.org. If the NHC cancels the event due to unforeseen circumstances, the organization will communicate the cancellation to all registered attendees promptly alerting them of the event update or plans to reschedule the event. Once you have received your registration confirmation to attend the event, it cannot be changed, substituted, or reissued to a different person, except per our Substitution Policy.

Substitutions are permitted before the commencement of the event. The individual submitting the substitution request is responsible for providing updated contact information via email to NHCmeetings@nhcouncil.org. Substitutes must meet the event eligibility criteria and are only permissible if the substituting individual qualifies for the original registrant’s category.

The National Health Council has implemented a series of protocols considering the spread of respiratory viruses and is working with the Hyatt Regency Las Olas to ensure the safety of all attendees. Please note that health and safety protocols might change as we monitor public health conditions.

Onsite Safety Protocols. Although optional, attendees may choose to wear masks, per their preference. The following protocols and practices will be in place during NHC in-person events:

  • Masks will be available at the registration desk.
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be placed around the event’s meeting space.

Release and Assumption of Risk. As we continue taking important steps to provide for the health and safety of our attendees, speakers, guests, and NHC staff we ask that you review the information below.

By attending this NHC eventyou agree to adhere to our policy to support a healthy and safe environment for everyone. Because a respiratory virus is extremely contagious and is spread from person-to-person contact, the NHC has adopted preventative measures to reduce the spread of respiratory viruses following guidance published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The NHC will comply with all applicable requirements imposed by Florida, the city of Fort Lauderdale, and federal and local health authorities. However, the NHC cannot guarantee that attendees, speakers, staff, and guests will not become infected with a respiratory virus. Attendees and NHC staff should always self-monitor for signs and symptoms of any respiratory virus.

If you get sick, please stay at home as much as possible, and stay away from others per CDC health care guidance. People who are at higher risk for severe illness and who start to feel sick should seek health care right away so that they can access testing and/or treatment. The most important thing you can do to protect yourself from a respiratory virus is to stay up to date on your recommended vaccines. Please also practice good hygiene by covering your coughs and sneezes, washing or sanitizing your hands often, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces can help. 

Please contact Susan Gaffney at sgaffney@nhcouncil.org with any questions as it relates to our Health & Safety Policy.


To promote a safe and healthy environment for all conference attendees, we kindly request that you avoid wearing scented products. Fragrances from personal care items can cause health issues such as headaches, respiratory problems, shortness of breath, and difficulty concentrating. Your cooperation in maintaining a fragrance-free space is greatly appreciated and will help ensure the comfort and well-being of all participants.

For the Attendee Show & Tell session, we ask all participants to adhere to the below rules and guidelines:

  1. Each participant is provided with five minutes for their presentation, and there will be a running timer on the screen to ensure timeliness of remarks.
  2. Only one participant and topic per organization.
  3. Participants are required to sign up in advance. In the case that we have more contributions than we can accommodate, we cannot guarantee participation during the Attendees Show & Tell.
  4. Participation preference will be given to patient organizations.
  5. The National Health Council will not be able to accommodate slides or other media presentations.
  6. All topics will be reviewed and approved by the National Health Council before the participant’s participation.
  7. The views, opinions, and content expressed during this session do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of the National Health Council.
  8. Disparaging remarks about other organizations and people will not be tolerated. 

If you have any questions about our policy, please contact Susan Gaffney at sgaffney@nhcouncil.org, NHC’s Executive Vice President of Membership, Development & Events.

The NHC is committed to making each of its events accessible to all participants so they may be actively involved in the meetings and conferences. If you have special physical or communication needs that require auxiliary aids or services identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact us at NHCmeetings@nhcouncil.org so that we can accommodate your requests.

NHC events are supported by sponsors. Benefits provided to these supporting organizations may include the contact list (name, title, company, and email address) of registered attendees. The NHC does not provide nor distribute attendees’ complete mailing addresses to these supporting organizations.

Your data privacy and security are important to us. The NHC will handle your personal information collected during registration and will use your registration information to update or add to our membership database, and send membership updates, communications, and surveys regarding the event.

Attendees. When registering, all attendees will have an option to opt in or out of sharing their information with Sponsors; however, opting out does not apply to the information about attendees that will be visible on the event app. If applicable, you acknowledge and agree that other attendees at the event will be able to view your name, profile photo, and other information you choose to share in the conference app. If you opt-in to permit the NHC to do so when registering, we are authorized to share your registration.

By attending the event, you give your express consent to the NHC and its agents to photograph and record in visual and audio media. You agree and consent that the NHC has the right to record, transcribe, modify, perform, reproduce, display, distribute, and transmit in any form and for any purpose your name, company name, voice, picture, photograph, portrait, and other reproductions of your likeness (“image”) at the event in connection with any advertising or promotional content and materials, and for any other lawful purpose including posting on public websites without any compensation to you. The NHC is not obligated to make any use of your image or exercise any of the rights granted to it. Furthermore, you agree that your image may appear in photos of the event that are available to you, other attendees, and the public. The NHC maintains the right to retain and distribute said photos. If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, please contact NHCmeetings@nhcouncil.org prior to the event.

Those requesting media registration must be currently employed or retained by a news organization and approved in advance by the NHC. Media passes for freelance journalists will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Account representatives, sales executives and book authors do not meet the criteria for media registration. Audio recording is permissible when approved by presenters and the NHC for note taking purposes only. Video recording is prohibited. The reproduction or transmission of recordings is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the NHC. If you have any questions regarding our media policy, please contact Jennifer Schleman, Senior Vice President, Communications & Governance, at jschleman@nhcouncil.org

If an attendee needs assistance for an activity or event, or any other special accommodations, the NHC is happy to provide to support your attendance needs. For additional information please email NHCmeetings@nhcouncil.org.

The NHC recognizes the importance of privacy and works diligently to protect information shared during NHC meetings and events from loss, misuse, and/or unauthorized access or disclosure. Attendees must seek approval from the NHC before utilizing AI note-taking software during meetings or events by emailing NHCmeetings@nhcouncil.org. Attendance will be denied if approval has not been provided. For accessibility needs, please refer to our Meetings Accessibility policy. 

NHC events are intended for education, networking, and collaboration among attendees. The NHC is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and respectful event experience regardless of a person’s race, color, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship status, age, religion, disability status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, genetic information, physical appearance, or other characteristics. The NHC expects attendees to communicate professionally and constructively, not make disparaging remarks about other organizations or attendees, and uphold the professional and educational purposes of the event whether in person or virtually. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

Reporting Unacceptable Behavior. Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated. If you experience or notice others experience any of the above unacceptable behavior or have any other concerns, please contact Susan Gaffney, Executive Vice President of Membership, Development, and Events, at sgaffney@nhcouncil.org.

Our Commitment. The NHC will investigate all incidents reported with discretion and confidentiality. The NHC reserves the right to bar any attendee who violates the Code of Conduct or these event policies, from attending future events.

For any questions regarding our event policies, please contact the NHC at NHCmeetings@nhcouncil.org.

The NHC is a patient-focused organization that forges consensus among diverse organizations, drives patient-centered health policy, and is the united voice of over 160 million people living with chronic diseases and disabilities and their family caregivers. The NHC is proud to have a diverse group of public, private, and nonprofit entities that support the important work of putting patients at the center of health care policy, enabling us to create a collaborative environment and put forward consensus-based public policy solutions.

The NHC uses the following criteria when selecting a meeting site:

  • Pattern of dates for the event schedule
  • Venue type and size
  • Budget and overall travel costs
  • Proximity to major airports and availability of public transportation
  • Weather considerations
  • ADA accessibility and accommodations
  • Walkability of the venue and surrounding area
  • Available local resources and meeting support

The NHC is a nonpartisan organization. Site selection is not indicative of an endorsement of any local health care policies, social issues, or governing structures in any specific district, county, city, or state. The NHC is a patient-focused, mission-minded organization that represents the diverse sectors of the health community with the primary focus being people living with chronic diseases and disabilities across communities in the United States. 

As a broad and diverse community, NHC members and stakeholders will have varied opinions on many issues currently debated by national, state, and local politicians. The NHC is a champion of promoting civil discourse and creating a safe space for the respectful exchange of different perspectives, beliefs, and experiences that shape who we are as a community and an organization.

If you have any questions about our site selection process, please contact Susan Gaffney, NHC’s Executive Vice President.

The NHC reserves the right to amend these policies, terms, and conditions from time to time. However, attendees will be subject to the policies, terms, and conditions in force at the time of submitted registration.