2022 HLC Follow-up Recap Webinar for Non-Attendees

  • Event Date: Jun. 08, 2022
  • Event Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
  • Event Location: 

The National Health Council (NHC) team invites you to join us for a webinar to recap this year’s Health Leadership Conference (HLC). The discussion next week will provide an opportunity to explore the content of the meeting. For those who were not able to attend, a summary of events, including highlights from the three-day event and a link to high-level summaries of each session, is below.

Webinar agenda:

  • Randy Rutta, NHC Chief Executive Officer, will provide an overview of the HLC.
  • Susan Gaffney, NHC EVP, Membership, Development & Events, will lead a discussion on Dr. Dara Richardson-Heron’s keynote, Building the Future of Health: An Equity Lens. The recording of her remarks is accessible from the HLC Summary page.
  • Attendee “Show and Tell”. A new addition to HLC, attendees shared success stories, “ah ha” moments, emerging best practices, pitfalls, partner opportunities, and other news that informed and inspired. The session was a highpoint of the meeting, with many attendees citing it as the highlight of this year’s program. For our recap webinar, we invite attendees to be prepared for a similar opportunity to share successes or learnings from your organization. Please indicate your wish to participate when registering or reach out to Bob Scott, NHC Director of Member Services, to “reserve” your spot in the Show and Tell.

Just as the HLC was open to board members and senior staff, please forward this invitation to your board leadership and any members of your staff who might benefit from this post-conference discussion.

Register here:


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