Communicating about Value Assessment: A Patient Community Training and Toolbox

Virtual Workshop 1: An Introduction to Communicating About Value
July 29, 2020 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. ET 

This workshop will focus on the core messages developed about value assessment, how to eliminate jargon from spoken, written, and online communication of the messages, and best practices in strategy implementation.

Virtual Workshop 2: Tactics for Communicating about Value
July 30, 20202:00 – 3:30 p.m. ET

This workshop will review tactics for effectively using value assessment messaging including case examples of when, why, and how to use different communication strategies.

  • Patient groups who are already engaged in discussions around value or expect to be in the near future are encouraged to have a member of their communications team and policy/research staff attend.
  • We encourage NHC member patient group staff who are new to value assessment explore our Value Classroom before attending the workshops.


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