NHC Briefing on IRA Implementation

  • Event Date: Sep. 12, 2023
  • Event Time: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
  • Event Location: 

Schedule (Coming Soon)

About the event
On September 1 CMS will release the list of the first 10 drugs identified for price negotiation as part of IRA implementation. This release will officially start a 30 day clock for interested parties, including patient organizations, to submit data to the agency. Along with this list, we also expect more information to be shared about patient and caregiver listening sessions planned for the fall.

Please join the NHC in an overview of the CMS negotiated drugs, better understand more about how patient organizations can inform the process, learn more about NHC tools and resources to help, and ask any questions you have.

Who should attend?
The briefing is open to all NHC members and nonmembers. If you have questions about who from your organization should attend, please contact apinn@nhcouncil.org.

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