Getting to know Bob Scott, Associate Director, Membership & Operations

Following is a Q&A to get to know Bob Scott, Associate Director, Membership & Operations who began working at the National Health Council (NHC) in June 2020.   

Putting Patients First (PFF) Blog: Why did you want to work for the NHC? 

With access to affordable and equitable health care still not a reality for most Americans, it was great to find an organization that brings together so many different and important groups in the patient community to raise one loud voice to drive policy change and advocate for all of us living with chronic illnesses. When the opportunity to work with those groups was presented to me, it was almost a no-brainer for me to step in to support the efforts of the NHC and its membership. 

PPF Blog: You coordinate NHC membership and work closely with NHC members; in your opinion what makes NHC membership so unique?    

In addition to connecting organizations whose audiences are aligned and help them lift their messages, the NHC also offers great resources to our members that allow them to strengthen their organizational operations. Our various member groups are given opportunities to learn from each other in areas like governance, HR, fundraising, finance and accounting, meetings and events planning and evaluation. 


PFF Blog: How does the Standards of Excellence Certification Program ensure NHC members are held to a high ethical standard? 

Very simply, the Standards of Excellence asks our voluntary health agency (VHA) members to maintain the highest standards of organizational effectiveness and public stewardship. The standards are stringent, but also not inaccessible to organizations who are already operating at the highest levels asked of nonprofit organizations. In my short time here, my interactions with members going through certification show that they consider meeting the standards an honor and want to be held accountable. 

PFF Blog: What upcoming projects are you excited about working on?  

One of my immediate tasks has been to dig into the Standards of Excellence Certification process and determine if there is a way to streamline certificationsI am working on creating a space where our VHA members can begin sharing the documentation required during certification, so it is accessible to the member and NHC staff. I hope to launch an initiative in 2021 to capture a broad picture of the entire  membership base to include information such as the breadth  memberorganization sizesthe spectrum of patient services offered  of membersand the full scope of chronic illnesses  represented p. In addition to giving us the very broad view of the membership, this may also drive wider interest in membership from organizations who might not have understood how they can fit into the NHC. 

PFF Blog: What’s your favorite thing about working at the NHC?  

Honestly, in my four short months here, the commitment of my co-workers to the NHC mission stands out. We are a small but mighty group of people dedicated to raising the voice of the patient in health care advocacy. I have only worked with most of my co-workers remotely at this point but have felt welcomed on to the team. I have gotten all the support I need to help our membership move forward in these very difficult times. 

PFF Blog: Tell us something about you personally. What do you do outside of work?  

I am an avid reader – mostly fiction of all sorts leaning toward mysteries and thrillers – which has been pretty much all I can do during the pandemic. I am a volunteer at the South County Library and miss my colleagues and the people with whom I usually interact there. I also serve on the planning committee for one of the Roanoke Valley’s most popular events – the Local Colors Festival highlights cultures represented in the Valley from around the world with over 50 nationalities featured at each event. When time (and the world) allows, I also assist with backstage production and planning with the Showtimers Community theater. 

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