Welcome to the National Health Council’s first online educational series, Increasing Patient-Community Capacity to Engage on Quality of Health Care. The series, comprised of six modules, focuses on why quality is important in the current health care environment and how patients and patient organizations can become strong advocates for quality.

Each module takes between 10-15 minutes to complete. The educational modules are best viewed using the Chrome web browser.

Module topics include:

View the quality resource center here.

Once you have completed the educational series, please take a few minutes to provide feedback on your experience by taking this survey.

The content of this series was funded through a PCORI Eugene Washington Engagement Award (3314-NHC). The NHC Quality Patient Advisory Committee (QPAC) was key in helping develop the content in a way that addresses the most important elements of health care quality from the patient perspective.

Thank you to Bristol-Myers Squibb, PhRMA, Alkermes, and Amgen for sponsoring the NHC’s work on quality.

Copyright © 2025 National Health Council, All rights reserved.

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