What is Medicaid Unwinding?

In 2020, Congress enacted a requirement that Medicaid programs keep people continuously enrolled in Medicaid until the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) ends and increased federal funding to state programs through a temporarily enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP). The continuous enrollment provision is now scheduled to end on March 31, 2023. States can resume disenrollments beginning in April but must meet certain reporting and other requirements during the unwinding process. All Medicaid enrollees will be asked to provide information and go through a process to determine if they are still eligible for coverage.

Key Dates

  • February 1 – last day for states to submit unwinding plans to CMS for states that started unwinding in February 2023
  • February 15 – last day for all other states to submit unwinding plans to CMS 
  • March 31 – end of continuous eligibility period  
  • April 1 – first possible day for terminations (if state starts in Feb.) 
  • May 11 – projected end of the Public Health Emergency 
  • July 1 – last possible day for a state to begin terminations 
  • December 31, 2023 – enhanced FMAP for all Medicaid ends
  • May 2024 – Last possible month to finish unwinding redeterminations (depending on when state started)

Overarching Resources from the Federal Government and Others

CMS Technical Guidance

NHC Member resources

Other Resources

Accessibility Tools