NHC Statement on the Inflation Reduction Act


NHC – Inflation Reduction Act Statement (PDF)


NHC Statement
on the Inflation Reduction Act

Randall Rutta
Chief Executive Officer

August 16, 2022

“With the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) enacted, the National Health Council (NHC) and its members are positioned to promote critical health care policy priorities that deliver on the promise of an accessible, affordable, equitable, and transparent health care system for all Americans. For the more than 160 million individuals across the country diagnosed with chronic diseases or disabilities, the NHC looks forward to working with Congress and the Administration on implementation of this bill and future legislation.

“We are pleased to see the IRA extends Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies for people purchasing coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace for three years. These subsidies are a lifeline for access to insurance and improved health. We strongly support making the subsidies permanent.

“In addition, seniors and people with disabilities spend more money on their health care than other demographic groups, so we are thankful that Congress included the Medicare Part D Out-of-Pocket Cost Cap to provide financial relief to those who can least afford the high cost of health care and prescription medication. We are particularly grateful it also includes a mechanism to allow beneficiaries to pay this cap in monthly installments.

“We look forward to working with the Biden Administration on implementation of the health care provisions of IRA, especially:

  • Ensuring patients are directly engaged and the patient perspective is integral to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services as it negotiates Medicare prescription drug prices.
  • Ensuring patients are engaged in the development of the Medicare Part D smoothing provision of the out-of-pocket coverage cap. We would also like the Administration and private sector to use lessons learned to apply this opportunity in other insurance systems such as the ACA Marketplaces, a longtime NHC priority.

“Significant gaps in the health care system remain that stymie health care access and treatment for millions of Americans. While the number of individuals without insurance in recent years has declined, more than 31 million people remain uncovered, many of whom are in states that have not expanded Medicaid. Too often, this is the result of long-festering systemic barriers that deny marginalized populations essential health care.

“As we move forward together, the NHC and its members encourage policymakers to undertake a truly comprehensive and genuinely collaborative approach to health care policy.  Employers, insurers, clinicians, hospitals, biopharmaceutical companies, and all health ecosystem stakeholders contribute to the nation’s well-being and need to be engaged in – and held accountable for – developing solutions that achieve a more accessible, equitable, efficient, affordable, transparent, and sustainable patient-centric health care system.”

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 Created by and for patient organizations more than 100 years ago, the National Health Council (NHC) brings diverse organizations together to forge consensus and drive patient-centered health policy. We promote increased access to affordable, high-value, equitable, sustainable health care. Made up of more than 145 national health- related organizations and businesses, the NHC’s core membership includes the nation’s leading patient organizations. Other members include health-related associations and nonprofit organizations including the provider, research, and family caregiver communities; and businesses representing biopharmaceutical, device, diagnostic, generic drug, and payer organizations. Learn more at: https://nationalhealthcouncil.org.

Jennifer Schleman