The National Health Council (NHC) is proud to have a diverse group of public, private, and nonprofit entities support our important work of putting patients at the center of health care policy. In alignment with our commitment to transparency, our financial information is readily available on this page. 

The NHC is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of representatives from our various membership categories. Patient Organization Members (aka Voluntary Health Agencies) hold the majority of seats on the Board to anchor decision making in the mission. Board members set the strategic direction and establish policies to guide the NHC in meeting the mission to provide a united voice for people with chronic diseases and disabilities, and their family caregivers.  

Pursuant to our Standards of Excellence, we disclose the financial support we receive from our sponsors and post our disclosures on this page within six to 12 months of the close of the fiscal year. 

In addition, we follow the same transparency-focused policies and procedures we ask our members to meet regarding corporate relations, transparency, and conflict of interest. Read more about our: 

GuideStar: Platinum Seal of Transparency, 2023  

The National Health Council earned the Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency on GuideStar. This designation validates that the NHC shares clear and important information with the public about our goals, strategies, capabilities, finances, achievements, and progress indicators for achieving our mission. We hope this is another reason why our members are proud to be part of the NHC as we continue our work to convene the diversity of actors in the health ecosystem to put patients and caregivers first.  

Financial Highlights: 

These figures show the financial activities for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022. 

2021-2022 Financial Information (PDF)

Annual Reports:   

Form 990: 

Audited Statements: 


The National Health Council (NHC) does not endorse the use of any specific medication, treatment, or product, or the views expressed on the websites of our supporters. The NHC, its agents, officers, employees, and volunteers shall not be liable for any claims, damages, or actions whatsoever which may arise from the use of supporters’ products. 

The companies and organizations that support the NHC have provided funding for a variety of programmatic efforts including: qualitative and quantitative research; multi-stakeholder roundtables on topics ranging from patient engagement to utilizing real-world evidence; educational programs for patients and patient advocates; and several annual conferences. We gratefully acknowledge their support.

Read our partnership policy.

View a list of our members.

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