Call for Comments: Patient-Centered Value Model Rubric and Get-Ready Checklist for Patient Organizations


Due: February 3, 2020

In 2016, the National Health Council (NHC) released two tools to help the patient community prepare for value assessment: the Patient-Centered Value Model Rubric and Get-Ready Checklist for Patient Organizations.

  • The Rubric is intended to help stakeholders evaluate the patient-centeredness of value models and to guide value model developers on the meaningful incorporation of patient engagement throughout their processes.
  • The Get-Ready Checklist is a step-by-step guide for patient advocacy organizations to engage in the development, implementation, and assessment of value frameworks.

Since 2016, the landscape and patient experience with value assessment has advanced significantly. To ensure that these tools continue to evolve and are useful, we are asking for your help in updating them!

We encourage all interested parties to submit comments, suggestions, case examples, and any other recommendations for consideration. Please feel free to share this announcement.

Submitting Comments

Comments should be submitted to by Monday, February 3, 2020. Please find line-numbered copies of the Rubric here and Get-Ready Checklist here. To help facilitate the process, please:

  • Submit separate word documents for Rubric- and Get-Ready Checklist-related comments
  • Include “Rubric Comments” or “Get-Ready Checklist Comments” in the subject of your email
  • Include page/line numbers for specific comments

All comments submitted by Monday, February 3, 2020 will be considered.

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