Wide Range of resources on complex issues

We offer a wide range of resources on complex issues that impact all people with chronic conditions. Resources include member-specific services, frequent meetings and events, publications, and comments on rules and legislation.

31 Patient and Provider Groups Warn that Mifepristone Ruling Threatens All FDA-approved Drugs


31 Patient and Provider Groups Warn that Mifepristone Ruling Threatens All FDA-approved Drugs WASHINGTON, D.C. – Our organizations, representing patients with serious health conditions, condemn

April is Sjögren’s Awareness Month: A Time to Highlight Patients and the Message that Sjögren’s is a Serious and Systemic Autoimmune Disease!


April is Sjögren’s Awareness Month: A Time to Highlight Patients and the Message that Sjögren’s is a Serious and Systemic Autoimmune Disease! By Janet Church,

Update on Braidwood v. Becerra Verdict


Update on Braidwood v. Becerra Verdict By: Allen Pinn, Coordinator, Policy On March 30, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor for the Northern District of Texas

Join APIC in Celebrating IP Day on April 7


Join APIC in Celebrating IP Day on April 7 By: Devin Jopp, EdD, MS, CEO of APIC During the pandemic, the world witnessed health care

NHC Joins Leading National Organizations in Effort to Curb Health and Science Misinformation


NHC Joins Leading National Organizations in Effort to Curb Health and Science Misinformation By: Jennifer Schleman, Senior Vice President, Communications & Governance Last month, the

Inaugural Roundtable Explores the Intersection of Federal and State Health Policy


Inaugural Roundtable Explores the Intersection of Federal and State Health Policy By: Allen Pinn, Policy Coordinator On March 7, 2023, the National Health Council (NHC)

NHC Comments on Help Committee Pandemic Preparedness RFI


NHC Comments on Help Committee Pandemic Preparedness RFI (PDF) March 29, 2023 The Honorable Bernard Sanders Chair United State Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor,

NHC Statement for the Record for Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee Hearing on Transparency


NHC Statement for the Record for Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee Hearing on Transparency (PDF) National Health Council Statement for the Record U.S. House of

Patient Group Letter for Ongoing Engagement on Implementation of Part D Cap and Smoothing Provisions


Patient Group Letter for Ongoing Engagement on Implementation of Part D Cap and Smoothing Provisions Patient Group Letter for Ongoing Engagement on Implementation of Part