Wide Range of resources on complex issues

We offer a wide range of resources on complex issues that impact all people with chronic conditions. Resources include member-specific services, frequent meetings and events, publications, and comments on rules and legislation.

Patient Engagement Open Forum Presentation: Patient Engagement Fair Market Value Calculator Toolbox:


Watch Eleanor Perfetto, PhD, MS, Executive Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, and Silke Schoch, Manager, Research & Programs, present the NHC’s Patient Engagement Fair Market

Have Health Care Consumer Attitudes Changed During The COVID-19 Pandemic?


By Deasia Lamar, Communications Intern The Alliance of Community Health Plans (ACHP) and the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) recently partnered to explore shifts

Patient Compensation Tools


The NHC & our partners have developed tools, including a first-of-its-kind Fair-Market Value (FMV) Calculator, to assist all stakeholders to confidently enter into ongoing, compliant, & sustainable engagement efforts that effectively drive health care innovation based on patient & caregiver insights, which must be collected in a trusted & high-quality manner.

NHC Fair-Market Value Calculator Demonstration Webinar


NHC Fair-Market Value Calculator Demonstration Webinar This new online FMV calculator can be used to determine compensation for patients, caregivers, and patient groups involved in

Letter to the HELP Committee on Chairman Alexander’s White Paper “Preparing for the Next Pandemic”


The National Health Council (NHC) appreciates the opportunity to provide input on the White Paper on “Preparing for the Next Pandemic.” This issue is a

Mental Health America Data Shows Impacts of COVID-19 on Mental Health


By Deasia Lamar, Communications Intern As many Americans cope with anxiety and depression during these uncertain times, NHC member Mental Health America (MHA) is dedicated

FMV Calculator Terms of Service


FMV Calculator Terms of Service Disclaimer: The purpose of the Fair Market Value (FMV) Calculator is to provide a guide for patient advocates and pharmaceutical

NEW! Patient Engagement Fair-Market Value Calculator & Compensation Tools


By Silke Schoch, Elisabeth Oehrlein, Eleanor Perfetto We are excited to announce the launch of the NHC Fair-Market Value (FMV) Calculator on June 26, 2020!

Large Voluntary Health Agency Chief Executive Officer Roundtable


Large Voluntary Health Agency CEO Roundtable Event Time: 12:00 p.m. ET Contact Susan Gaffney for more information.