To help make the PC-CIS Blueprint and the concepts outlined here more tangible, the National Health Council (NHC) partnered with the Arthritis Foundation to embed a use case from the Arthritis Foundation’s INSIGHTS program, a community-based, patient-reported outcomes (PRO) program created in partnership with patients. Over the course of two years, the Arthritis Foundation created and launched INSIGHTS to capture experiences and input from people with arthritis.
Arthritis Use Case
While not an example of a PC-CIS, because they do not yet exist, the steps taken to create the INSIGHTS program reflect many of the principles and methods key to developing a PC-CIS, including patient leadership, and iterative, meaningful patient engagement at each stage of the project or initiative. Throughout the Blueprint, you will find links to relevant aspects of the use case to use as reference.
The later stage of the Blueprint development involves working with patient-advocacy organizations to create a PC-CIS for their community. As these use cases are completed, descriptions and lessons learned from will be added to this document