NHC Member Benefit Coming Soon: 2025 NHC Compensation Survey Kicks Off in April!
By Bob Scott, Director, Membership Operations
Each year, the National Health Council (NHC) conducts a Management Compensation Survey through PRM Consulting to benchmark the salary and benefit trends at nonprofit patient advocacy, health, and human service organizations within membership. As in previous years, the report will be jointly produced by the NHC and the National Human Services Assembly (NHSA).
The NHC/NHSA Management Compensation Report allows NHC members to see themselves in comparison with other similar organizations. The report has served as a guide for our member organizations’ budgeting and employee compensation processes for the next fiscal year, making this a vital and valued NHC member benefit.
The objective of the survey is to collect and tabulate total cash compensation (base salary plus additional cash) and salary range data on nearly 90 selected management and professional positions. The survey summarizes the prevalence of benefits and perquisites provided to positions at various staff levels. In addition, the survey complies various compensation practices, including salary adjustments, retirement and savings plans, medical benefits, variable compensation practices, paid time off, and Board compensation practices.
As an added benefit, all NHC nonprofit members who participate in the NHC/NHSA survey will be included in the larger Management Compensation Report of Not-For-Profit Organizations released by PRM. This report includes data broken out across several different nonprofit organization types—trade associations; professional associations; educational organizations; health and social welfare organizations; and other nonprofits not covered by the other four categories. All NHC member organizations who complete the data-collection process will receive PRM’s report at no charge. Thank you in advance for your participation!
Senior leadership at NHC patient organization and partners of patient organization members will receive personalized survey links by the first week of April. If you have any questions about the survey, email membership@nhcouncil.org. Additionally, please let us know if there is a specific contact at your organization who should also receive the survey link.