NHC Launches Strategic Planning Process

NHC Launches Strategic Planning Process By: Jennifer Schleman, Senior Vice President, Communications and Governance According to Wikipedia, strategic planning is “an organization’s process of defining its strategy or direction and […]

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The NHC’s Policymaking Process

By Eric Gascho, Vice President, Policy & Government Affairs The National Health Council (NHC) has a member-driven policy development process, which was just completed for 2019. Our patient advocate members […]

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Quality Resource Center

Quality Resource Center Increasing Patient-Community Capacity to Engage on Quality of Health Care Research Glossary of Acronyms Quality Related Acronyms  ACL – Administration for Community Living AHRQ – Agency for […]

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2022 Science of Patient Engagement Symposium

The National Health Council (NHC) announces the theme of the 2022 Science of Patient Engagement Symposium, From Research to Action: Health Equity for All. Over the past couple of years, the COVID-19 pandemic has upended the world, and health inequities among historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups have magnified. The science of understanding the patient has never been more important. Specifically, health equity research, where diverse patients are at the core of scientific inquiry, is imperative to tackling these issues.

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