Addressing discrimination & Health Disparities

The U.S. health care system was established during an era of legal discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and disability. Although explicit segregation has ended, many discriminatory practices continue in more subtle forms. Piecemeal solutions are insufficient in combating these inequities and ensuring equitable access to quality care for all. The health care system needs to be transformed to eliminate the societal, structural, financial, and policy barriers to health care that are products of historical bias.  The NHC is committed to amplifying patient voices to create a health care system that serves the needs of all patients, regardless of health or financial status.

In 2020, the NHC released a set of Domains and Values outlining our policy priorities to advance Health Equity.

Our current health system came of age when racial segregation was sanctioned by custom and law. Widely practiced discrimination bred structured health disparities for racial groups whom the society decided to disadvantage. Piecemeal solutions are no longer an option. It is time for a complete reimagining of the health care system to promote unbiased structures and processes to advance equitable access to quality health care for all. Read our Call to Action.


Consensus Statement on Health Equity

The NHC & National Minority Quality Forum are proud to announce that 79 NHC member organizations signed this consensus statement, committing to achieving health equity.

NEW REPORT: Inclusive Workplaces: Building a Representative Workforce

The National Health Council (NHC) is committed to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive (DEI) workforce.

Meetings & Events

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Member Resources

  • Health Equity Affinity Group Meeting: This meeting offers NHC  patient groups, nonprofit, professional association, and business and industry members the opportunity to share information, expertise, and strategic thinking on health equity-centric patient and advocacy issues. It also sets the stage for a broader discussion, prioritize health equity issues important to the patient community, and determine actionable next steps for member organizations.

  • Health Equity Lunch & Learn: NHC members have the chance to foster engaging discussions on ways their organization’s are approaching and addressing to trends in health equity. 
  • Health Equity Newsletter: This is a quarterly newsletter for NHC and NHC members to share health equity updates, past and upcoming meetings and events, and health equity resources.

More Resources

Patient Organizations

Accessibility Tools