Wide Range of resources on complex issues

We offer a wide range of resources on complex issues that impact all people with chronic conditions. Resources include member-specific services, frequent meetings and events, publications, and comments on rules and legislation.

Blueprint to Lower Drug Prices and Reduce Out-of-Pocket Costs


The NHC appreciates the Administration’s goals to improve competition, promote better negotiation, lower list prices, and reduce out-of-pocket costs. We are committed to working with

IRS Policy on High-Deductible Health Plans Impacting Americans with Chronic Conditions


IRS Policy on High-Deductible Health Plans Impacting Americans with Chronic Conditions The NHC hosted a webinar on June 26, 2018 with top value-based insurance-design expert Dr. A.

Morning Consult OP-ED: FDA’s Acknowledgement of the Importance of Patient Engagement Welcomed


The National Health Council and the entire patient community embrace the Food and Drug Administration’s forward-thinking efforts to engage patients early and often to make

The Department of Labor Association Health Plan Final Rule


The following statement is from NHC’s Chief Executive Officer, Marc Boutin, JD: The Department of Labor and Trump Administration have failed to keep their promise

The Department of Justice ACA Brief


The following statement is from NHC’s Chief Executive Officer, Marc Boutin, JD: The Department of Justice and Trump Administration are flat-out wrong. By declaring the

Three-Part Webinar Series On Patient Engagement In Value Assessment


THREE-PART WEBINAR SERIES ON PATIENT ENGAGEMENT IN VALUE ASSESSMENT Part 1: An Overview of Value Frameworks Part 2: Introduction to Health Economics & Value Assessment Part 3: How

Proposed Rule: Short-Term, Limited-Duration Insurance (STLD) Insurance Plans


The Proposed Rule’s expansion of short-term, limited-duration (STLD) insurance plans from three months to 364 days and allowing them to become renewable will have a

Letter to Congress Expressing Concern with Short-Term Limited Duration Plans


The National Health Council (NHC) submits this letter, with 112 other patient advocacy organizations, to Congressional leadership expressing concern with Short-Term Limited Duration Plans. “Our

Three-Part Webinar Series On Alternative Payment Models


THREE-PART WEBINAR SERIES ON ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT MODELS As innovative payment models continue to evolve and transform the US health care system, patients must be engaged